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Lessons in proper protective clothing


Beekeeping is a never-ending adventure in learning. Today's lesson was in properly fitting protective clothing, and clothing in general.

So there i was, doing a quick inspection to see how much the colonies had built up since last week. I was wearing a new jacket that I bought so Ali could come out to the bee yard with me that was a little small. So I'm inspecting the last hive and they're doing really well. I bent over to grab the feeder and lid to put back on the hive and as I do, the jacket rides up my back a little. At the same time, I was apparently doubling as a plumber because a lone bee decided to boldly go where no bee has gone and threaded the gap between my waistband and the small of my back. There's a sense of danger that only comes in certain situations when you realize there's no way there's going to be a positive outcome. I immediately pushed from the outside of my jeans to close off any continued travel to darker regions. Apparently it misunderstood what I meant when I tried coaxing it toward the light. I heard a faint buzzing that I could have sworn sounded like "to Valhalla," followed by a sensation that every beekeeper and just about every other person has experienced a time or two in their lives. That bee stung me right in the crack of my ass! I can only imagine it looking like a man in a Beekeeping suit doing his best rendition of the "ride the pony" dance from the 90's as I bounced around swatting at my ass, trying to kill the martyr as quickly as possible and get the stinger out. Then I had to finish up closing the hive with all that bees sisters.

Long story short wear proper fitting protective clothing!



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