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Customer Care

You're our customer, we care!


But in all seriousness, we want our customers to love our products. If you don't, if there's something we don't make that you would like us to start, if there's a product that you want that's out of stock and you want me to get off my ass and get it back in stock, reach out and let us know. You can reach out via email, any of our social media or in person. If you call, it will most likely go to voicemail with all the calls about our cars extended warranties, you might get screened.

Privacy & Safety

Your privacy is important. We completely get that. You don't have to worry about us trying to sell any of your information because half my customers are my family and I'd be the first one they'd call to fix their issue if it happened. I don't wish that on myself. 

In all seriousness, though, I won't sell your info. I won't share your info. I probably won't remember your info!


Wholesale Inquiries

Everything is small batch so I don't know how much wholesale is really going to matter here. On the other hand, I do like charitable causes so if you have one of those, maybe we can work out a lip balm deal. Outside of those, I don't have the time to produce enough to make it cost effective for wholesale.

Payment Methods

- Credit / Debit Cards

- Offline Payments

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